Much more than just great: H0-Europe
H0-Europe, what is it?
Many years ago the module building in FREMO began with H0-Europe. Apart from that, still the majority of the German model railway H0-scale is to attach the long history of H0-European Modules in FREMO, is the reason for their proliferation. I think most FREMO members who have been in FREMO for a long time, already have built H0-Europe-modules. At least as a gateway drug, so to speak. But this is certainly not everything.
The Federal Railroad (and many more) in small
This old Fleischmann slogan sums up the essence of H0-Europe from the technical point along quite well, although it did not consider that since the reunification of Germany more and more people from the DR (east), and more FREMOikaner together with their modules from more and more European countries coming are jioning FREMO. It is important that more and more aspects of the operation in the great train targeted by the FREMOikaner move and that there are more and more professionals for the various aspects. Quite a lot of new developments in FREMO are from people who wanted to improve some aspect of H0-Europe, initiated and subsequently also been tried.
Betrieb satt
Ein wichtiger Teilaspekt ist vorbildnaher Betrieb im Modell, das steht schon so in den Vereinszielen. Es ist inzwischen viel Wissen darüber, wie man interessante Fahrpläne konzipiert. Manche der auf Treffen ausgeteilten Fahrplanunterlagen sind von Originalunterlagen kaum noch zu unterscheiden. Außerdem wurden Erfahrungen mit unterschiedlichsten Formen gemacht, die Dienste bei den Betriebssitzungen zu verteilen. Es wurden Lok- und Wagenkarten sowie Frachtzettel entwickelt, durch die den Modellen Aufgaben zugeordnet werden und welche die Identifikation der Modelle erleichtern sollen. Ein weiterer Aspekt hierbei ist auch die Funktion der Bahnhöfe. Denn nicht jeder Bahnhof ist jeder betrieblichen Aufgabe gewachsen. So zeichnet sich H0-Europa durch ein Nebeneinander von kleinen bis hin zu sehr großen Bahnhöfen aus. Die letzte Frucht dieser Bemühungen, der Bahnhof Walburg, hat gerade seine ersten Bewährungsproben hinter sich. Ein weiterer Aspekt des Betriebs ist die Transportkapazität. Deshalb gibt es bei H0-Europa schon seit vielen Jahren zweigleisig ausgebaute Strecken, an deren Rand man Hauptstreckenluft schnuppern kann.
Model-driven signaling and security techniques
A very important task for the large railway is to secure the train.This theme moved seriously into FREMOikanernes awareness on importation of Digital Operations, and this led to the first clash in the circuit assignment tamed trains. Since a lot of development work has been done in this case and longer tracks are equipped with appropriate signals and Realistically functioning section block.
Digital Train-Control
To keep the trains on major module packages, and without limiting circuits to drive the assignment, there was selected a digital suitable for these requirements, and some control components designed to fit the requirements of FREMO FREMOikanern independently. Examples here are FRED, FREDi, LN-Box and the so-called SPAXBooster.
Building modules
Already in the early years of FREMO Modulbau a primer was published, which showed the interested modeler how to build one module at the best and what mistakes it is better to avoid. Meanwhile, all these things have become commonplace, books and special issues of model train magazines have appeared, and also in FREMO NET you can find different books about building modules. Last but not least, there are in principle an appropriate FREMO NET article.
Tolerance and Integration
As already said, H0-Europe is the most numerous and most international group in FREMO. So here is rather a lot of tolerance as well as willingness to integrate needed to deal sensibly with the various preferences, deficiencies and needs of the players as to allow so as many of them can have their fun
It is natural that with such a large group as H0-Europe, all members does not always participate because of cost. Furthermore the interests and passion is to different. In any case, an open and curious person has it much easier. Though for many people who have taken all their small aspect of H0-Europe and found enough players to interpret FREMO basic norm "Norm is what is being build" and put into practice, H0-Europe is a springboard for building fractions.