Cargo Operation in FREMO Business Doctrine in small scale
FREMO and group H0-Europe appears to many model railways enthusiasts as elitist and removed. This has probably its origin in modular construction, high standards for those - mostly superpatinerede - vehicles and driving the clock and schedules, but surely, in the first glance not transparent theme for freight operation, which occurs in FREMO. Many prospective players deterred by a pile of car cards, which comprises freight map to be deciphered. But precisely this "play with purpose" has from its inception in FREMO stood in the foreground. Already in HP1 from December 1981, ie shortly after the formation of FREMO, contained a Article by Ivo Cordes with the theme "wagon circulation." More articles followed, accompanied by a majority of graphics and drawings. Unforgettable also contributions from Hugo Schwilch in Switzerland dealing with his ceiling rail, in which he described the flow of goods in his "Steindorf-Werk".
Following a system where car cards and shipping labels about had the same size and placed in a pocket of plastic, the concept car cards in format DIN A6 size and 9 x 45 cm less cargo short quickly followed. These are used to this day still in H0- Europe. Even though the wagon and cargo short ranges at other scale sizes in appearance, they all follow the same system.