This section is about control, safety and signalling equipment for model railroads as used by FREMO on modul layouts. Some general information:
The following sections summarize the main areas that are covered by FREMO web sites:
Dispatcher operation
Operation with (mostly) non staffed stations. Succession of trains is managed by the dispatcher. Train conductors have to communicate with the dispatcher for every train movement.
- The "rules" (in German)
- More information on FREMO home page
Electronical block control
Block control ensures with technical means that a block of track is occupied by only a single train.
Project: FREMO-Signal-Tower
A signalling kernel is beeing developed that consists of electronic compoments. In principle all prototypes can be modelled.
Signal slot, design Wattenscheid
The idea is to insert signals into any module that is prepared for it.
- Abstract
- History of the naming idea from Martin Balser
- Mechanics
- Building description by Christian Lindecke
- Building description by Tobias Meyer
- Fitting example
- Another proposal for an electrical interface
- General information (old)
FBÜT (FREMO Einheits-Bahnübergangstechnik)
Diese universelle Bahnübergangssteuerung definiert standardisierte Schnittstellen zwischen Bahnübergang und Steuerung und implementiert eine Steuerung nach deutschem Vorbild einer Lokführer-überwachten Bahnübergangssicherung.