Statutes of FREMO e.V.
Statutes of 26.09.1981,
in the version of 04.04.2004,
Amended on 31.05.1985, 08.04.1994, 04.04.2004, 02.04.2023
§ 1 Name and center of the association
1. The society bears the name "Freundeskreis Europäischer Modellbahner (FREMO) e.V.".
2. The society seat is in Nienburg / Weser
§ 2 Financial Form / Year
1. The association is registered under number 541 in the association register of the Nienburg District Court..
2. Financial year is the calendar year.
§ 3 Purpose and Operation of the Association
1. Its aim is to require Model Railway hobby, especially for creativity and activity aspects of both the personal contact between members of the regional and international level.
2. The association's purpose, among other things, implemented through the following points:
a) Implementation of regional congresses of active members with the following highlights::
(1) Exhibition, Presentation and, where appropriate reward the personal Modell train crativetity of the individual members or groups of members
(2) Practical demonstrations of specific model construction technician
b) Installing the module standards under which members can build and sculpt their personal modules, it is portable plant pieces that are compatible and can be taken and joined to larger operations-oriented systems at conferences and other engagements
c) Publish their own Association Journal with the following main headings:
(1) Practice Proven building instructions
(2) Reports of good (preferably operating-oriented) system
(3) Instructions for the implementation of realistic operation in model railways
(4) Reader Discussionsd) Recommendations for critical dimensions and model railway standards to improve the reliability, accuracy and scale of the interchangeability
3. The association does not aspire make profit. Any surplus shall be used only to registered association purposes and not paid as profit participation or other meetings for members.
§ 4 Beginning and end of membership
1. Only real people can apply for membership. The application shall be construed as membership if the applicant fails within 3 months of receipt of a written rejection.
2. Membership ends
a) upon resignation. This can only be done with a written statement sent to the Board within 6 weeks before the end of the year.
b) by exclusion. This happens if the member acts against the purpose of the society destroys the association's reputation or violate the constitution. Board decides after a hearing of the person concerned of such exclusion. On the next person Member Assembly, it can be argued against the resolution.
c) by deletion from the membership if a member has not paid after two reminders to post.
d) by death of the member.
§ 5 Rights and obligations of members
1. Members are obliged to
a) ularly paying quota amount of tariff quota regulations
b) to promote the Association's goals
2. Members have through their membership following rights
a) Participation in all meetings, rallies and other events in association
b) free subscription to association magazine
§ 6 Membership Fees
The association collects contributions for a special contribution scheme. This and the amount of membership will be decided at member meetings. Admission Fees may be one of contribution scheme.
§ 7 Organs of the Association
Organs of the Association are:
a) the general assembly,
b) the executive committee according to § 26 BGB and
c) the extended board
2. Member Assembly is the highest decision making body of the association.
3. In each financial year held a proper member assembly, called the general assembly (HV).
3a. The general assembly can take place real, virtual or hybrid. The board decides on this and informs its members of this in the invitation. The provosion of § 32 Paragraph 2 BGB remains unaffected of this. Virtual members meetings take place in a chat room accessible only to members. Members must log in with their data and a seperate password.
4. The general assembly has the following duties:
a) Receipt and discussion of the annual report submitted by the general board
b) Discharge of the General Board regarding financial statements and management
c) Election of members of the General Board and election of substitute members (replacement election)
d) Election of the auditors for the current fiscal year
e) Planning of activities to promote the aims
f) Determination of the amount of the annual fee for the following year
g) Final decision on the exclusion of a member
h) Amendments to the statutes
i) Dissolution of the association
5. Extraordinary general meetings shall be convened with a period of at least two weeks
a) by decision of the general executive board
b) on written application by at least one third of the members of the General Board. Only agenda items are discussed, which were due to the convening of the meeting.
6. Notice of the meeting must be submitted in writing with a period of eight weeks according to the agenda. Amendments to the Articles of Association shall be the Board no later than 10 weeks before the meeting, all other requests must be Board no later than 2 weeks before the meeting.
7. Meeting elect as the first one assembly leader if necessary a deputy and a protocol manager.
8. Unless the statutes provide otherwise, the Member Assembly decides with a simple majority of the members present. In event of a tie, the proposal applies as rejected.
9. Statutory changes, dissolution of the Association and the extraordinary member congregations is a 3/4 tie required for inclusion of a proposal.
10. If a member present so requires, voting can be done secretly.
11. There must make a decision protocol for each member assembly, which must be kept with the association documents and should be made available to members. Protocol shall be signed by the protocol manager and president, at his hurdle in attendance of the Vice President.
§ 8 The Board and the Extended Board
1. Board pursuant to § 26 BGB consists of the President, Vice President and Treasurer. They represent the association of court. The President has single representation, Vice President and Treasurer are together represented Intentions justified.
2. The Board consists of the Board in accordance with § 26 BGB and two Assessors. The General Assembly can decide whether the Board should be expanded with an equal number of assessors.
3. The individual members of the Board are elected at the same time for 2 years. Reelection is allowed. By to early announcement, there must at the next general meeting be a replacement choice. The term of substitute member ends with the board.
4 . The Board is responsible for the overall management and administration of the organization's assets. It shall carry out the decisions of the General Assembly and monitor the implementation and compliance. The Board of Directors shall decide on the admission and - subject to the powers taken at the general meeting - the exclusion of members. The Board of Directors shall convene general meetings. The president, in his absence, the Vice President, opens the member Assembly.
5. Board meetings are convened and chaired by the President, in his absence, the Vice President. It meets as needed, or if two of the members requesting a board meeting.
6. The Board has a quorum if at least half of its members are present. There is decided by a simple majority vote. Event of a tie, the proposal applies as rejected.
7. To control the activities and internal division of labor, lodges Board within 2 months after the election, a breakdown of tasks that should be brought to members.
8. The Board may appoint members to implement certain functions and regulate their powers.
9. Board members are volunteers. Documented costs and expenses will be paid to them in a manner to be determined by the general framework.
10. A protocol will be produced at board meetings and sent to all board members. It must also be kept at the Association's papers.
§ 8a – Geschäftsführung
Die Hauptversammlung kann beschließen, dass eine Geschäftsführungsstelle gemäß § 30 BGB eingerichtet wird. Umfang und Vollmachten der Geschäftsführung bestimmt der Vorstand.
§ 9 Dissolution of the association
If the dissolution of the association has been decided, then the same general meeting has to appoint two liquidators, who are only authorized to represent jointly. At the same time, the General Assembly decides on the use of the assets of the association after all liabilities have been repaid, provided that it is to be used directly and exclusively for non-profit purposes in the field of railway and model making leisure activities. The same condition applies in the case of cancellation of the association or in the absence of its previous purposes.