Member in FREMO
Here you will find information to membership in FREMO.
Approximately 2.400 persons are a member of FREMO. The largest number of members are from Germany and the second largest group are Dutch. Activities also happens in the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary and Italy.
Members have rights and duties, determined in regulations.
A year supcription is € 45.00. It must be paid by the end of first quarter (March 31) at the latest.
Pages on the worldwideweb can not provide a full picture of our society. Therefore we recomend, before a membership, that you either visit a meeting or a local "Stammtisch".
FREMO can only survive, like any other socitety, by our members activities. What you miss in your region, can be organised by you: example a local meeting or modules with a specific layout.
How to become a member in FREMO?
Only individuals can join. No associations or clubs. You can find the form here.The board decides on the admission.
What can I expect and what is expected of me
Members are entitled to participate in all engagements, Stammtisch, and other events organized by FREMO.
In addition, our member magazine is published HP1, quarterly to all members.
In addition, Internet access to our internal pages with additional information.
Similarly, all our Emails forum are arranged in FREMO Intern.
Of duties for members belong timely payment of membership fee. Membership fee is paid once a year and paid in advance for one year at a time.
By Joining FREMO can be paid back, in the sense that there may be paid for this year and that all versions of the Member magazine HP1, sent for the current year.
It is expected that all members support the association's goals.
Relocated - New adress?
For member changes, example, change of address, please use this E-Mail-adress or Online on this page (after LogIn).