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Das Neueste zu americaN
29.01.2025: Bericht zum Treffen in Waldenburg
13.01.2025: Modulbeschreibung zu Espanola
04.11.2024: Neue Seite zu Passenger Waybills erstellt
You like...
- North American railroading
- the 1/160 scale
- prototypical operation
- interaction instead of "lone wolf" operation
- exchange of ideas with like-minded person
Maybe americaN is what you are looking for!
About us
Many aspects of our modular system americaN have been adapted from proven FREMO systems: a largely freeform module geometry, a railhead height of 1300mm (51 inches), connecting modules without transition track and use of NMRA-DCC and Loconet.
americaN modules were built in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Italy. Regional centers of gravity with several active module builders are Jönköping, Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart and Munich. You can contact us via email.
The americaN standard has no restrictions regarding the prototype or the era. At our meetings we normally use rolling stock from a specific era. If we have enough modules and rolling stock available we also have gatherings with a more specific geographical focus and matching railroad companies.
We always want to use the most prototypical mass production track available as a minimal standard. Currently the Atlas Code 55 track is our choice. Hand laid track with code 55 or code 40 rails is also possible and welcome.
To get a first impression look for the video from the 2019 meeting in Bardowick (GER).
We often use Track Warrant Control for safe rail traffic on our single track routes. The dispatcher and train crews communicate via radio. We have also successfully used signaling on some sections as well as Timetable & Train Order operation.
You can download the americaN standard in English language as well as other documents on the "Standard and documents" page.