FREMOdern in Denmark
.. equals FREMO and modern trains. In Denmark the Epoke IV-VI (1980 and forward).
So if you want to drive danisch and modern H0 jævnstrøm on FREMO-modules, this is the right track.
FREMOdern Group
The group FREMOdern DK Stammtisch Kolding has their own Facebook-group, only for Fremo members, who wants to participate in FREMOdern events in Kolding.
Of course there will be arguments against that in modern epoch no shunting and local freight trains were / are. But the group agrees that it should be - on an equal footing with passenger trains. As a roadmap with three ranking freight train in each direction on a main route is not unrealistic in a roadmap which takes place over 2.5 hours.
All freightcars must be equipped with carcard for use with freightcard. All locomotives/trainset must also be eqipped with a loko-card for use with circulation-card. All equipment must be equipped with functioning bar couplings. Permanent trains might be equipped with functioning short couplings between carriages.